Offerings Along the Path:
Yoga and Spiritual Teachings
Essence of a Hindu
Raj Patra in Kathmandu, Nepal with Hindu Sadhus at Pashupatinath Temple.
Deity Inspiration - Saraswati
Goddess of learning, arts, and wisdom, Saraswati is a major goddess in the Hindu female trinity (Tridevi) of Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati.
Deity Inspiration - Chandra
Similar to the sun, the moon (Chandra) impacts aspects of our human existence, especially matters regarding water, plants, and vegetation.
Deity Inspiration - Surya
Across cultures, the Sun symbolizes vitality, extroversion, masculinity, health, beneficence, prosperity, and maintaining the cosmic order. The sun is absolutely essential for our human existence because without it our planet would freeze and life would cease.
What Are the Mayakosha and Why Are They Relevant for Yoga Practitioners
What Are the Mayakosha and Why Are They Relevant for Yoga Practitioners?
Comprehending Indian Flatbreads
Indian flatbreads are distinct and worthy of discernment. Read to learn more about this relatively unknown but well-deserving category of Indian cuisine.
Deity Inspiration - Manjushri
Manjushri, "Gentle Glory" or "Sweet Splendor" in Sanskrit, is revered as one of the most important Bodhisattvas (enlightened Beings) in Tibetan Buddhism.
Deity Inspiration - Lord Shiva
Shiva is revered as the Supreme Being who transcends all duality and embodies the highest truths of existence: our liberation is Unity, that is Yoga.
Healthy Living Through Yoga Wisdom: Mantra's Significance
What is mantra and why is it significant in a holistic yoga practice?
Vāsanā, The Unconscious Grooves That Hold Us Back
My grandfather used to say, “If you’re not using your eraser, you’re not learning.”
Deity Inspiration - Krishna
Spring symbolizes renewal, growth, and the blossoming of life …
Reclaiming the Light
Each time we resolve darkness of our inner pain, we brighten the light of our Spirit and realize that it’s always been there.
Yoga Alliance and Its Impact on Yoga
I was born and brought up in Kolkata, India and started practicing yoga at Bishnu Ghosh’s College of yoga around 1979.
Yoga for Life Goes to India
Yoga for Life goes to India in December 2024. Check out our itinerary here…
October Emotional Wellness Month
In honor of October as Emotional Wellness Month, I will share a bit about our philosophy and practice through the lens of traditional yoga practices and Universal Yoga as taught by Guruji Andrey Lappa.
Masala Chai - Sweet, Aromatic Nostalgia
Memories of Masala Chai - my mother grinding delicious spices with the clanking of mortar and pestle, the morning air filled with sweet aroma of steaming milk. The romance of waking up in Kolkata as a teenager.
•DAY 81• Finding Happiness From Within
For many, Yoga starts out as just another form of exercise sought by people from all backgrounds. After a while, though, Kathy started to notice it had given her the thing she were actually looking for - unwavering happiness radiating from within. This is yoga finding her.
•DAY 74• How Yoga Found Me
The story starts with “At one point in my life, I was in a sense losing everything I knew was normal in my world.” Over the years, Yoga for Life has touched some souls deeply, brought a sense of belonging, and a deeper connection to yoga in their lives.
•DAY 67• Making time for growth
Sometimes it’s a struggle to establish a new routine or reestablish a familiar one even when it comes to things that are especially good for us. Life inevitably happens and those habits we hoped to create end up suffering, but does it have to be that way? Perhaps instead of waiting until we find time, we need to make the time to respond. Here’s what Sara — a YFL teacher and student (who is now doing #vanlife in style) has to say about her struggles.
•DAY 60• Yoga is only real if it changes people.
In December of 2017 Crystal made a promise to herself, “I committed to practicing some form of vinyasa, hatha, or meditation every day. I have since kept that promise for over 14 months. My life can really be separated into 2 parts – before and after developing a daily yoga practice.” A familiar face of inspiration at Yoga for Life tells her story.