•DAY 67• Making time for growth

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•DAY 67 of 365• Making Time for Growth

I’ve had a difficult time trying to put my Universal Yoga training to words. As always the trainings are so impactful, but in unexpected ways. We joke about how UY finds your blind spots and attacks, of course with the intention to make us better yogis.

My practice has suffered this past half year while traveling. So often, I let the unstructured time of vanlife and work rule my day, falling into a mental rut or samskara of not intentionally taking the time for my practice.

When I did practice, my focus was not on the difficult things, allowing myself to cater to my avoidance or “dvesha” of these poses. This of course leads to blaming of where I’m at due to adventuring and at the end of the day blaming myself for not being a better yogi or a stronger individual.

These samskaras are not unique and are something everyone struggles with in many aspects of life. The goal is to accept things as they are, but to also make the time that is needed to achieve the goals you’d like to accomplish and begin reversing these thoughts to remove samskaras.

The year I’m focusing on inversions which I’ve been avoiding for years. I’m starting to feel a little more comfortable being upside down. Last year I focused on splits. This year I’m focusing on fears. Too long I’ve let this samskara into my life and it is time to shed things that are no longer serving me.

Thank you @rajpatrayoga for trying to relight my internal fire and shifting my perspective while I’m away from the sangha! It was a reminder that I greatly needed to hear.


•DAY 74• How Yoga Found Me


•DAY 60• Yoga is only real if it changes people.