Offerings Along the Path:

Yoga and Spiritual Teachings

Raj Patra Raj Patra

•DAY 67• Making time for growth

Sometimes it’s a struggle to establish a new routine or reestablish a familiar one even when it comes to things that are especially good for us. Life inevitably happens and those habits we hoped to create end up suffering, but does it have to be that way? Perhaps instead of waiting until we find time, we need to make the time to respond. Here’s what Sara — a YFL teacher and student (who is now doing #vanlife in style) has to say about her struggles.

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Raj Patra Raj Patra

•DAY 60• Yoga is only real if it changes people.

In December of 2017 Crystal made a promise to herself, “I committed to practicing some form of vinyasa, hatha, or meditation every day. I have since kept that promise for over 14 months. My life can really be separated into 2 parts – before and after developing a daily yoga practice.” A familiar face of inspiration at Yoga for Life tells her story.

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Raj Patra Raj Patra

•Day 24• Finding Your Teacher

Who is a Guru? Is the one who teaches worldly education and properties of matter? No, they are only teachers. Is the one who teaches a mantra or Vedanata a Guru? No, we may call them Acharyas or scholars, but not Gurus. People consider a person who imparts knowledge as a preceptor. But most of them are mere teachers, not preceptors (Gurus).  A Guru is one who dispels darkness within us and moves us towards an enlightened state.

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