•Day 24• Finding Your Teacher

•Day 24 of 365•
Finding Your Teacher

It is said that we don't find our teacher but our teacher, or Guru, finds us. In Western culture it's rare that we put our trust and faith into another individual completely, let alone accepting that we ourselves may not have all of the answers. 
A Guru helps us relinquish some of the ego behind behavior which don't serve us, and helps us navigate our way down a path that is good for us. 
Guruji Andrey Lappa will be in Portland for the next 10 days. He is internationally known as a Guru to many. What if he's your teacher?

We invite you to meet him at Yoga For Life. Join us for morning practice, evening lecture, and a public Dharma Talk starting tomorrow, 1/25-2/3.

#LifeLikeaYogi #YFL365 #universalyoga#andreylappa #guru


•DAY 60• Yoga is only real if it changes people.


•Day 23• Ask A Guru