Yoga for Life

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•Day 13• The Vijnanamaya Kosha

•Day 13 of 365•
"I think; therefore I am?" - The Vijnanamaya Kosha
The fourth shell is the intellectual and logical shell. In the West, the pursuit of knowledge is held to high regard with academic success often translating to success in general. Today we see the activities of the intellectual shell as the driver of innovation, decisions made for a family, and literally all aspects of life. But again, this is only one aspect of the Self. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What about intuition? That gut feeling you get which, when heeded, is always right? Intuition is certainly not a head-based knowledge, but it is a knowing; one that can prove to be even more important in the great junctures of our lives. By paying attention to where the wisdom of experiential knowledge comes from and is stored we begin to understand we are more than who we think we are.
Take a moment to pause today to watch your thoughts. Recognize that if you can observe your thoughts, then you must be something other than your thoughts. Also, can you think of a time when your knowledge of something or someone proved to be wrong? How did this affect the situation or relationship?
#LifeLikeAYogi #YFL365 #intuition#getoutofyourhead #wisdom